Here’s a thought I wanted to share for the holidays.
These three songs are my family’s sing-alongs — not in the cute, boppy way, but the “belt ‘em out, totally off-key, snorting-with-laughter” kind. There was no grand plan to make them our family anthems; it just happened. And now, they’re part of our quirky rituals.
To this day, these songs still connect my family (see the ugly Lola pic below from my daughter Jordy’s wedding), and my friends have joined in on the fun, too (another pic).
So, here’s your subtraction suggestion for the holidays:
Let go of high-effort, low-meaning traditions Supposed To Do’s:
But don’t worry, I’m not suggesting you go full Grinch. Instead, think of subtraction through the lens of The Difference Lab’s S.E.T.S. model:
Strike:Ditch the holiday traditions that drain your battery. Skip the holiday newsletter 😱 or picture-perfect card if it feels like a chore. A heartfelt text or call will go a long way.
Energy: Reset the bar on gift wrapping. Do they really need to look like they’re going in a department store display? A gift bag will do..
Time Reduction: Pop in for a quick 30-minute visit instead of committing to an entire afternoon.
Substitute Out: Replace a time-sucking tradition with something fun and simple. Start a new ritual, like an annual “best store-bought (including bakery!) cookie competition” with friends. Emphasis on store-bought — this is about the experience, not DIY stress.
And if you’re not convinced of the power of a good ritual, especially one involving music, watch and listen tothis and prepare to weep.
Pro tip: I bet you’ve got material.
Pay attention to the little moments that make you laugh or connect with others. A song, a favourite dish, or a movie. Turn it into a repeatable tradition that feels joyful, not forced. Low-effort, high-meaning.
Now go crank up the tunes, let go of perfection, and start a holiday ritual that makes you laugh until you snort. It’s Raining Men, anyone?
Happy subtracting!
Calling All Working People: DO This Subtraction
STOP multiple channel messaging for the same question!
As in:
Send an email.
2 minutes later, fire off a Slack message…”Did you get my email?”
2 minutes after that, text: “I haven’t heard from you…”
2 minutes later, the dreaded office drive-by.
Unless the house is on fire, give it a rest. Seriously — this is one of the most universally annoying behaviors we hear in The Difference Lab.
What to do instead?
Choose one channel and stick with it. If it’s not urgent, send an email. If it is urgent, go directly to text or call — but not both. Let people respond in their own time.
Be clear about urgency. Use phrases like, “this is needed by x.” Be honest about the “x” time. People catch on if you’re always fudging it.
Trust people to respond. If you’re always chasing a reply, consider whether the real problem is a lack of clarity in your communication or expectations. (As in, consider…maybe it’s you) 😳.
The Difference Lab in Collingwood,
yes, Collingwood Ontario
Accountant ❤️
In professional services like accounting, subtraction can feel counterintuitive—after all, success is often tied to billable hours, responsiveness, and going above and beyond for clients. But we couldn’t have been more inspired after spending time with partners from a Toronto-based consulting firm at their annual partner offsite, spreading the power of intentional subtraction.
They proved that even in professional services, subtraction opportunities are everywhere!
The reward? They freed up bandwidth to focus on what senior professionals should be doing: high-value client impact and fully embracing the “trusted advisor” role that fosters deeper relationships. And the bonus? They now have more time for the strategic, thinking work they enjoy—work that’s aligned with their expertise (and fees!).
Lawyers, management consultants, and accountants — this will work for you too. Ready to learn more? Link here.
Thank you for reading!
Sharing this at the end, because only the real keeners get this far. Here’s proof how ugly our song ritual gets. They’re pics from my daughter Jordy’s wedding in November. The first, It’s Raining Men with friends cramming the stage.
The second, me and my daughters doing Lola. Ugly. Sweaty. Heart full. ♥️ Janet
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